Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nike Shox Torch 2 Pole Shift & Will Reversal From 2012_16728

During 2012 when it is polar reversa will get place on world. Which means that that North Pole might be changed into the actual South Pole. Scientifically may only be explained by that experts claim the actual soil will start rotating inside the particular opposite direction, and a huge disaster of undiscovered proportions.

Inside my books Professionals reveal the particular immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth from the actual near future. It actually is presently assumed by the majority and that general scientific world at large, how the rotation of a Soil is stable; however, as expounded with my previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The actual gruesome reports in the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.

The historical exploration of cosmology with previous books is founded on the translation of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling on the magnetic reversal among the sun, study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the particular discovery from the most exciting archaeological find on modern times.

Considering these Specific belief came to the actual following conclusions:

1. Considering clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural from the Soil. That result is around the world destruction, and is supported by polo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts.

2. This reversal probably the poles is related to the harmonic cycle from the magnetic fields of beginning a sun.

3. Polar reversals is without a doubtcalculated precisely on this basis on this sunspot cycle theory or this magnetic field theory, which the actual Maya and the actual Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets are found in that Labyrinth of Hayward, a massive complex consisting of three thousand rooms.

Concerning explained abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like - amongst others - food, transport, and medicines, want disappeared within one big blow, dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It is unable to be more horrifying than this; worse than that worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war into which the whole global arsenal of nuclear weapons continues deployed during one blow. Are you grasping this facts?

The particular earth is going to be subjected to total destruction. It will probably be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources could have been completely destroyed. In which might be the reality of your daily life after the actual forthcoming polar reversal. But it is of this scenario you often come with to try to survive.

The particular Riddle on the Magnetic Field Solved

At the moment scientists still don't know much about the mechanism that generates the particular magnetic field of beginning a world, which is more than frightening. Without doubt, our continued existence depends upon this.

Many years ago our ancestors knew that when this magnetic field tilts, a worldwide destruction takes position. The present geologists, astronomers and physicists know little about this. For that reason we are running towards our end, without a single acknowledgement from official sources.

Therefore, what do our professors indeed know? Just, this scenario is as follows: a solid central core rotates around the center for the globe. It can be surrounded by a liquid iron-like layer, on top of which the earth's crust is continuously drifting. This whole structure therefore seems a huge rotating dynamo. When addition, that liquid layer rotates for this electrostatic field for the sun, recharging itself.

However, this is not very efficient: more electrical potential is lost than gained. Simillar to a battery that is almost empty, it is difficult to recharge and it becomes exhausted more easily and quickly. This is the actual situation that includes the actual "battery" on this magnetic field on the planet. For this reason one sees the particular force among the magnetic field diminishing, almost 60% over the last two thousand years.

At this rate there will never be much left within several of decades! After which one can get a reversal of the actual poles. But nobody knows around what way this will never happen, nor what the particular consequences will probably be, throughout contrast to that Maya and the particular Old Egyptians who knew the actual terrible consequences only too well. Their science, their religion and lifestyle were completely dependant on them. They encoded their knowledge of Holy Numbers in addition to around their architecture.

Relating to all needed days, weeks, months and years to follow their carefully applied clues and decode them. After an exasperatingly long search, Specific belief found out that these codes were connected via the catastrophic events on soil that were a result of pole shifts. Some of the codes were terribly complicated, although not incomprehensible. After you have figured out the cipher, you are able to decipher several levels of the scientific language. Then you definately can literally peel away layer after layer until you reach the ultimate result: the naked scientific figures regarding the background worth mentioning catastrophes.

Mysterious Sunspot Cycle Theory Increases the Answer

The solutions to these questions are alarming and devastating. Let me explain. Just, as being a scientist, stumble upon results of the fact that present astronomers are not aware, you have got, without doubt, came across something terribly important. Everybody will have to admit it, which is the things Consequences with done: I discovered an echo of a hard-lost technological terminology; a majestic building with immensely sophisticated keys. Many numbers were powered by the sunspot cycle, which they had discovered. A theory specifically irrefutably correct and not known by our physicists! It could not be more alarming!


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