Sunday, October 14, 2012

lv wallets The History Of Anime And Manga_29220

The History of Anime begins in the early 19th Century. The common assumption made by people of western original is that anime came way, way after C19th, but infact it is true that anime has its roots in Manga. Manga is the common term for Japanese Comic.

The first ever manga appeared in the early 1800's, and was named the Hokusai manga - so named after its creator, the Japanese artist Hokusai. Hokusai produced a series of sketches that he eventually organised into a book. These sketches became widely known as the beginnings of manga. Each sketch in the Hokusai manga was unrelated to the last, and the sketches themselves were often on completely fantasy topics, such as outer space, monsters, dragons, and that kind of thing.

The Hokusai manga isn't representative of the kind of manga we see today mind you. The Hokusai style of drawing was more 'sketching' than that of modern manga artists. In truth it wasn't until manga hit the western world that we began to see the style of drawing we see today.

The modern style manga is known throughout Japan as Ponchi-e, and involves artists using thick lines and vivid colours in their drawings. The modern style manga saw the first birth of manga animation, which today is commonly known as 'anime'.

Animation became popular in Japan very quickly due to Japan's undernourished live-action entertainment industry. In the 1980's, there was a rapid increase in the production of anime where mainstream Japan began to accept anime more readily.

In the 2000's the influence of Japan's anime spread overseas, currently there are a whole plethora of anime series' that broadcast on a worldly scale. A prime example of this being the incredibly popular Dragon Ball series, which currently broadcasts all over Canada, America, Australia, Europe and South Africa.

Today it is apparent the western cultures are fully adopting the jap-anime styles of drawing - and for this reason it is safe to assume that anime will live on, and continue to diversify for many years to come.


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