Tuesday, October 16, 2012

chanel watches living - and those engaged in building extra income businesses of their own

living - and those engaged in building extra income businesses
of their own. Should be of real value - interest - to your
readers. Please take a look - any questions, or if you need
more info, give me a call at: (503) 666-5824..." Then, of
course, you skip about four spaces, type your name, your
business name, and your address - sign your name above where
you've typed it, and staple this note in the upper right hand
corner of your news release. This note should be typed and

So now, you've got a cover letter, and you know who to send it
to... We type up one such note, and take it to a near-by
quick-print shop. They xerox the note 4 times, past these
4-copies onto one sheet of paper, print 50 to 100 copies, and
cut the paper into individual notes, all for less that $10... Do
not try to save money by photo-copying or xeroxing - a
photo-copy is a photo-copy is a photo-copy, and will not do the
job for you...

Now you need the actual publicity release, which also must be
"properly" written if you expect it to be used by the media.
Above all else, there's a proper form or style to use, plus the
fact that it must be typed, double-spaced, and short - about a
half page in total length.

About an inch from the top of the paper, with an inch and a half
margin on each side of the paper; from the left hand margin,
type in all capital letters: PRESS RELEASE: Then, underline
these words. Immediately following the colon, but not in all
capital letters, put in the date. Always set the date forward
by at least one day after the day you intend to mail the release.

On the same line, but on the right hand side of the page, and in
all capital letters, write the words, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:
Underline this, and immediately below, but not in all capital
letters, type your name - your phone number - and your address...

Skip a couple of spaces, then in all capital letters - centered
between the margins - type a story headline, and underline it...
Skip a couple of spaces, and from the left hand margin, all in
capital letters, type the words, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: From
there on, it's the news or publicity story itself.

You can write the headline before the story, and then a story to
fit the headline - or the story before the headline, and then a
headline to fit the story - either way, it's basically the same
as writing a space ad or a sales letter... You attract attention
and interest with the headline and fill in the details with your

Here's an example of the headlines we use on publicity blurbs



Notice how we continue to sell or involve the editor - His
readers are always looking for better ways to make ends meet,
and he's specifically interested as to what our promise
involves... He wants his readers to "think well" of him for
enlightening them with this source of help, so he reads into the
story to find out who, what and how...

Suffice it to say that your headline, and the story you present

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