Friday, October 19, 2012

louis vuitoon - The Ascard are portrayed as a group of small

- The Ascard are portrayed as a group of small, gray aliens with large eyes that help the humans, but only after years of abducting them. The Abductions are to solve a DNA problem the Ascard are having and allow them to better understand humans. The payoff is that they protect us from bad aliens and help us to technologically advance. The message: Despite the fact that people have become lab rats for Aliens, it抯 all-good.

- Aliens have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years. While some are good, some bad, they come regardless of our military readiness to resist. We cannot remain a solitary planet in a sea of populated worlds and expect to be ignored or left alone. The Message: The Aliens are going to do what they want anyway, so we had better make treaties with the good aliens. If that means losing some personal freedoms and getting abducted for study, it抯 a small price to pay for being at peace with our galactic neighbors.

- The use of the names of real places like Area 51 and the complex at Cheyenne Mountain. The Message: The government has places where secret technology and alien artifacts may be securely kept.

- The never-ending secret of the Star Gate program. Despite battles in the skies over Earth, tattletale characters and near misses, the gate manages to remain secret. The Message: The Government can keep a secret for an unlimited period of time and against all odds.

Considering the fact that many of the themes and storylines used in SG-1 come right out of the real UFO and Alien Playbook, it抯 little wonder that the Air Force loves this show and has supported it for so long. But are they also setting things in motion behind the scenes? It抯 no secret that the U.S. Military has invested heavily in remote viewing and psychic intervention programs.

Whether by subtle suggestion or creative angst, SG-1 has risen to the top. While the series may come to an end for now, it抯 doubtful that SG-1 will vanish off the radar screen. Despite a recent ratings dip, over 2,000,000 people still tune in each week to watch and that is a very respectable number. Sales of the series on DVD have been brisk and a number of conventions are held and well attended annually. There is talk of SG-1 films and, who knows, the series can always make a return to television just as Star Trek did. Read more at

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