Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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To make matters worse, a network correspondent aboard Air Force One claimed to have overheard the President bark, "Aw, hell, we always negotiate with terrorists," in a discussion about potential response options. Moments before taking off, the Big Guy had finished giving a speech where he echoed every other recent president with the canard, "We do not negotiate with terrorists." (FIRST POUND/CONVEY RESOLVE -- PAUSE FOR APPLAUSE) The President totally said it, too. I was standing right next to him. Like the Secret Service agent who is trained to throw his body into the line of an assassin's bullet, I defused a potential crapstorm by instinctively telling the correspondent that I had made this remark, too. I was known for doing a mean Truitt impersonation -- the molasses Mississippi drawl, literary allusions, tractor-seat wisdom. The network, terrified of a White House freeze-out, agreed to make me the lightening rod.

excerpted with permission from the book Spinning Dixie by Eric Dezenhall Published by Thomas Dunne Books, An imprint of St. Martin's Press; December 2006;$24.95US/$31.00CAN; 978-0-312-34063-6

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