Tuesday, December 18, 2012

  So let us

  "So let us, the black people, _separate_ ourselves from this white man slavemaster, who despises us somuch! You are out here begging him for some so-called '_integration_!' But what is this slavemasterwhite, _rapist_, going about saying! He is saying _he_ won't integrate because black blood will_mongrelize_ his race! _He_ says that-and look at _us_! Turn around in your seats and look at eachother! This slavemaster white man already has '_integrated_' us until you can hardly find among ustoday any more than a very few who are the black color of our foreparents!""God-a-mighty, the man's right!" . . ."_'Teach_, Messenger-" "_Hear_ him! _Hear_ him!""He has left such a little black in us," Mr,http://www.australiachanelbags.com/. Muhammad would go on, "that now he despises us so bad meaning he despises _himself_, for what he has _done_ to us-that he tells us that _legally_ if we havegot _one drop_ of black blood in us, that means you are all-black as far as his laws are concerned!
  Well,replica chanel bags, if that's all we've got left, we want to _reclaim_ that one drop!"Mr. Muhammad's frail strength could be seen to be waning. But he would teach on:
  "So let us _separate_ from this white man, and for the same reason _he_ says-in time to save ourselvesfrom any more '_integration_! '
  "Why _shouldn't_ this white man who likes to think and call himself so good, and so generous, thiswhite man who finances even his enemies-why _shouldn't_ he subsidize a separate state,Homepage, a separateterritory, for we black people who have been such faithful slaves and servants? A separate territory onwhich we can lift _ourselves_ out of these white man's _slums_ for us, and his _breadlines_ for us,http://www.nikehighheels.biz/.
  And even for _those_ he is complaining that we cost him too much! We can do something for_ourselves_! We never have done what we _could_-because we have been brainwashed so well by theslavemaster white man that we must come to him, begging him, for everything we want, and need-"After perhaps ninety minutes, behind Mr. Muhammad, every minister would have to restrain himselffrom bolting up to his side, to urge him that it was enough. He would be pressing his hands tightlyagainst the edges of the speaker's stand, to support himself.
  "We black people don't _know_ what we can do. You never can know what _anything_ can do-until itis set _free_, to act by itself! If you have a cat in your house that you pamper and pet, you have to freethat cat, set it on its _own_, in the woods, before you can see that the cat had it in him to shelter andfeed itself!
  "We, the black people here in America, we never have been _free_ to find _out_ what we really can_do_! We have knowledge and experience to pool to do for ourselves! All of our lives we have farmed-we can grow our own food. We can set up factories to manufacture our own necessities! We can buildother kinds of businesses, to establish trade, and commerce-and become independent, as othercivilized people are"We can _throw off_ our brainwashing, and our self-hate, and live as _brothers_ together . . .
  ". . . some land of our _own_! . . . Something for _ourselves_! . . . leave this white slavemaster to_himself_. . . ."Mr. Muhammad always stopped abruptly when he was unable to speak any longer.

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